08 Oct

Content is always king of SEO. SEO is a meta-game that revolves around generating and distributing content. SEO strategies should focus mostly on ways to produce high-quality, shareable, and linkable content.

However, SEO strategies should also be used as part of a larger marketing strategy to help improve sales numbers. SEO is one tool within the overall marketing toolbox which should be used alongside SEO to increase visibility and drive sales. SEO strategies should be used within larger business and marketing goals and objectives, and SEO tactics must work together with other products and services that can boost SEO results while also improving revenue or customer acquisition.

There are many different SEO strategies that can help generate better rankings in search engines. However, there are three SEO strategies that are the most likely to succeed.

The first SEO strategy is to provide content that is shareable; the second SEO strategy is to focus on producing high-quality content; and the third SEO strategy, which works alongside the first two, involves focusing on keywords and phrases that will improve rankings.

SEO Strategy #1: Shareable Content
In the SEO community, shareable content is often referred to as viral SEO. Viral SEO is when a web page gains so much traction with social media that it starts going viral and becomes a hot topic in all sorts of different channels. A site does not need thousands of links to achieve virality; however, SEO strategies should be used to help a page go viral. SEO strategies can be used to improve the chances of a web page going viral and getting more social media shares than competing pages. SEO strategies should be focused on helping content spread virally as well as optimizing the SEO factors that contribute to higher rankings in all major search engines.

SEO Strategy #2: High-Quality Content
Content is king in SEO, and SEO strategies should be focused on ways to produce high-quality content. It is possible to get links or gain some social media traction with low-quality content; however, search engines often favor sites that offer the best quality over sites that simply offer a quantity of links, outbound links, or page views. SEO should be used to improve the ranking of high-quality content over low-quality content; however, SEO strategies must work alongside other SEO factors and marketing tactics in order to get a web page featured in search results or gain links from high trust and authority sites.

SEO Strategy #3: SEO Focused Keyword and Phrases
The third SEO strategy that works alongside the first two SEO strategies is to focus on keywords and phrases. SEO strategies should be focused on using keywords and phrases to help increase rankings in search engines, but SEO strategies must also consider how the chosen keywords will impact marketing and business goals. SEO should always go hand-in-hand with SEO and SEO strategies must never be implemented in a vacuum. SEO strategies should work hand-in-hand with web design, content marketing, social media marketing, and SEO to produce better rankings and drive traffic to websites.

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